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Pankapu (2016)

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Release Date: 21 Sep, 2016 Pankapu is a colorful action platformer in which you can transform freely from Warrior to Archer or Mage. Switch wisely between your three. Pankapu is a narrative and episodic platform/action game that takes place in the dreams of Djaha'rell, a child once troubled by a tragic incident. Play Pankapu, the tiny warrior chosen by The God of Dreams, to rid the Dreamworld of the Nightmare invasion. Story: Discovering the dreamlike world of Omnia, the player controls Pankapu.

Pankapu is a family-friendly episodic platformer. The land of Omnia is being invaded by Nightmares, so Iketomi, the god of dreams, creates Pankapu, an avatar charged with bringing hope back to the realm. Only by discovering the three Aegis — Bravery, Ardor, and Faith — will Pankapu master the abilities needed to access all of the land and save his friends.

Pankapu is the first game to be featured on IndieSider to have been accepted to the Square Enix Collective, a program that provides indie game developers with feedback and marketing assistance. After graduating from this program, developer Too Kind Studio then launched a successful Kickstarter campaign.

In this podcast interview, studio co-founder Jimmy Kalhart discusses how Pankapu changed as a result of these crowdsourcing opportunities; how his team's background in MMORPG development lent itself to creating a 2D platformer; why the game is wrapped in the context of a story a father tells his child, and whether modern games need narrative; and whether Pankapu will be a launch title for the Nintendo NX console in 2017.

Watch the video above, or download the audio edition below or from iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Mixcloud, Spoke, Overcast, acast, Pocket Casts, Castbox, TuneIn, or RadioPublic.

Links mentioned in this episode:

  • Pankapu

Disclosure: a review copy of this game was provided to me by the publisher.

Pankapu 2

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Posted by Pankapu - March 10th, 2017

Hello everyone! We hope everything's great for you! Episode 2 is coming along well! And today, we have some news about some new enemies that you'll meet along the way in the new Episode!

But firstly, we have some special information about the Wii U/Switch.

As we said previously, instead of Wii U, we're aiming for a Switch version, we can hence confirm we'll release Pankapu on Switch. Those who don't want a Switch version can send us a mail and change platform!

Now, let's hop back in the Omnia Express, and we're good to go! To show you how we create the enemies, we thought it'd be cool for you guys to have a look at some enemies we've been working on for Episode 2! We have many new foes to introduce today, so let's not waste time!

Essential anatomy 5 5 0 download free. The Diva (Working name):

First stop: the Diva. Gorgeous and deadly. Have you ever seen a nightmare who's always wanted to shine on stage?

Now, you have ^^

The Ghost

Hey, do you remember Boo from Mario or the specters from Zelda? Here is ours, slightly different, less shy and he won't stop even if you look at him.

By the way, if he touches you, he'll steal your Aegis and turn into your evil Doppelgänger.. You've been warned!!!

The Frog:

The Frog, one of our favorites! How could you hurt this cute small batrachian? Problem is, it will stomp on you and create shockwaves!

Bonus time:

Here's a small behind-the-scenes secret. To tell you the truth, at first, we had made some designs for a 'spider enemy', but then we chose to go with a frog. Still, we wanted to show you those spiders!

Maybe we'll keep them for a future game? ;)


Wondering where the Gelaths are? Here are the new ones: the .. Jawlaths!

Those adorable-looking monsters may seem small at first glance, but they can bite and eat those much bigger than them.

And they don't come alone; they'll attack you as hordes. Imagine a group of them walking like that:


Lava Fugus


During your journey to Itopia, you're going to come across quicksand! In it, hidden in the shadows, there will be 'sandworms'. Those Shai-Hulud straight from Frank Herbert's Dune will be waiting for you!

The Zoldate Leg

Terminus: The Zoldate Leg. Nice shoe, right?

But don't you

Step on my blue suede shoes

You can do anythingg

But stay off of my blue suede shoes

Hmm hmm sorry..

So yeah, he will stomp on the ground in order to stunt you:

Oh, and about its attack, if you want to know the inspiration, we'll just tell you that our animator has spent too much time on Street Fighter recently.

And that's all for today!!


Are you looking forward to meeting all those new foes?

No matter how cute or scary, or how big or small they can be, they were given only one task: to keep you from moving forward in your quest! So get ready for Pankapu Episode 2!

We love you!

All the Too Kind Studio Team

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